Autentico Image Transfer
The Autentico brand isn't just about paint - there are lots of other decorative techniques that you can use to add a unique touch to items you are working on. One of my favourites is Autentico Art Medium which enables you to transfer an image onto something else.
This works extremely well with images from magazines but equally with photos or text printed on a laser printer. The only thing you have to remember with words is that you have to flip the image before you print it out as the technique requires the image to be face down so words will come out back to front if you don't do this.
I have used this a lot on MDF blanks, at christmas to make decorations and plaques to put photos onto. I also use it on stones to make interesting paperweights which is the example in the photo. It is fun to do with children as it is like "magic"! You can liteerally transfer an image onto anything be it wood, painted, stone, metal and glass.
The image on the stone in the photo I cut from a magazine - look out for interesting images that will fit nicely on the item you want to transfer to. Cut out the image neatly. Make sure the surface you want to stick to is clean and dust free. Paint the surface with the Art Medium and the front of your image, it is important to make sure you have covered it well and used sufficient. Stick your image face down onto your surface. Smooth out any bubbles and allow to dry thoroughly, best after 24 hours.
Once dry apply a damp sponge to the paper and work in small circles, the paper will start to roll, gently work at it with your fingers. dampening as you go along. You will begin to see your image starting to appear - be careful not to rub too hard, you are aiming at just removing the backing paper.
Once all of your image has appeared and you are happy you have rubbed all the excess off allow to dry. Your image will dry with a white haze over it, do not be alarmed by this! I apply a little oil and rub it gently in, the image will reappear clear. you can then wax or varnish to seal it.
Great fun, very simple and effective too!
